

Lead Welding Inspector is responsible for overseeing all welding and non-destructive examination (NDT) activities on the project. This position is responsible for all documentation relating to welding and NDT, that that they are in compliance with all project, regulatory and applicable code/standards requirements. The Lead Welding Inspector is the direct supervisor of all Welding Inspectors also located on the project. This position will be working closely with client representatives.


Oversee all welding and NDT activities on the project

Have thorough familiarity with the project’s welding and NDT specifications, approved welding, and NDT procedures and all applicable welding and NDT codes and standards

Confirm compliance with project welding specifications and procedures and all applicable regulatory and industry codes and standards

Prepare and maintain a register of Welding Inspectors employed on the project together with a list of tools supplied

Determine which welding procedure specifications will be using on the project for mainline, mini-gang, tie-in, fabrication and repair welding

Circulate copies of the appropriate welding procedures to the applicable Welding Inspectors and confirm that all welding and NDT procedures are properly qualified

Confirm that Welding Inspectors are familiar with their roles, level of responsibility and authority and are qualified to perform their duties.

Monitor Welding Inspector’s performance to ensure compliance

Review daily repair welding data prior to submitting a repair list to construction contractor

Evaluate and communicate welding non-compliance issues to Chief Inspector or their designee for resolution

Confirm that all welders are qualified according to the appropriate regulatory codes and project specifications

Prepare supplemental reports as requested by Chief Inspector


Review and compile all welding data from the various Welding Inspectors and ensure that all necessary reports and documents are filled out and submitted contractor

Review the NDT summary report and daily repair list submitted by the NDT supervisor and ensure that it is in agreement with the production and repair reports submitted by the Welding Inspector;

Submit a current status list of all deficient welds requiring repair and/or removal as needed

Interact directly with Chief Inspector or their designee regarding work planning and welding problems that require immediate correction

Meet with each Welding and NDT Inspector on site to observe current activities and provide support/advice for rapid problem resolution

Record any right of way, weather, other logistical conditions or welding problems that caused either an increase or decrease in expected progress.


API 1169 certified

CWI or CPWI certified